Sunday, May 10, 2009


Didn't have the time to blog yesterday on ur special day. Sorry babe!! Hehe.. Anway, happy 18th birthday Sheryl. Ur a sweet friend who have help me through a lot and been there for me countless times when i needed someone. Thank u so much!! I would never forget our friendship and the times we had before. I can't wait to go back and meet up with u guys. I miss u guys damn lot and no words can express how much i wanna be back rite now just to see and hang out with all of u. Reality sucks shit. =(. The chances of me going back during July is less than 1%. So if i really really can't go back sorry ya ppl. I am damn sad and disappointed but there's nothing I can do. Damn those airlines. Haizz. Anyway, my uncles and grandfather will be coming to Melbourne tomorrow. Yay!! Got good food to eat liaw. Or else ar, no one here, my sis n i always eat lousy food. Not to say lousy la, just cincai eat. Can't wait for mum, dad, maine n ava to come. Hate this kinda quiet and lonely environment. N ava is supperrr cute!!!!!! Miss her super lot!!! Hehe.. =D July July July!!!!!!!! I wanna go back!!!!! I wanna celebrate my birthday with all my lovely friends and family. I don wanna spent it here alone. Damn sad okay?? Just the thought of it makes me wanna cry so badly!!! God!!!!!!!!!! PLZ!!!!!!!!! I need damn cheap air tickets and seats!!! Plz plz plz plz plz!!!!! Amen!!!

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